Video installation, 274cm x 488cm wall, diamond dust, 488cm brass pole, HD projector. 5min. loop. Video projector, brass pole, sculptured diamond dust screen.
“As if his throat opened into the void of stars,” (2010) layers footage of volcanic eruption with pole dancing through a symbiotic digital interface. The moving images are set within a sound collage mixing DIMI synthesizer, Funk, Hildegard von Bingen, and helicopter blades. Along a path at once apocalyptic and serene, mystic and scientific, the work weaves a world where myth, daily news, distance and natural disaster are interconnected. Propelled by Ovid’s story of Erysichthon’s insatiable hunger (from which the title is derived) the project traces the predicament of a highly connected world environment where participation and alienation feel like the same thing. The unlikely conjunction of banning strip clubs in Iceland and subsequent activity of Eyjafjallajökull is both absurd causality and something far more disturbing in the environmental sublime.